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Here at The Craft and Sewing Room, we usually just eat cookies with a hot steaming cup of your favourite brew; however, I have to let you know about another type of cookie when it comes to my web site. Unfortunately, this cookie is not sweet and tasty, but rather a very dull bit of computer code that allows my site to do loads of pretty amazing stuff.

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The Craft and Sewing Room

Craft and sewing projects in friendly surroundings with like minded people


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I'm delighted to be able to hold my sewing and crafting workshops once again. It's been a long time and I've missed having you join me to work on your projects.

I'm currently holding classes every Tuesday and Thursday. On both days I'm holding both morning and afternoon workshops. The morning sessions are between 9:30 and 12:30 and the afternoon ...

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I have somewhat neglected my little space on the internet, but now the COVID clouds are clearing, I am looking towards a future of normality. To prepare for re-opening my classes, I am putting some spit and polish on my web site.

You'll see that I've added a calendar to the front page, where I'll be publishing my upcoming classes. I'm also ...

The Craft and Sewing Room
© 2021 Contact Me

Craft and sewing projects in friendly surroundings with like minded people