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Here at The Craft and Sewing Room, we usually just eat cookies with a hot steaming cup of your favourite brew; however, I have to let you know about another type of cookie when it comes to my web site. Unfortunately, this cookie is not sweet and tasty, but rather a very dull bit of computer code that allows my site to do loads of pretty amazing stuff.

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The Craft and Sewing Room

Craft and sewing projects in friendly surroundings with like minded people


I love what I do and I'm proud to work with all you wonderful people. I hope my enthusiasm shines through and you feel compelled to leave me your thoughts, comments and reviews.

I will delete off topic reviews or those carrying obscene langauge and offensive messages.

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Thanks and Best Regards,


The Craft and Sewing Room
© 2021 Contact Me

Craft and sewing projects in friendly surroundings with like minded people